Abitdrill is committed to maintaining your confidence and trust with respect to your privacy.  Please read this privacy policy carefully to understand our practices about how we collect, use and share your personal information.

About our privacy policy

This privacy policy applies when you visit or use our websites, apps and other services, including events, that refer or link to this privacy policy (each, a “Service”).  This policy may be supplemented by additional privacy statements, terms or notices provided to you. The Elsevier company that owns or administers the Service, as identified therein, is the primary controller of your personal information provided to, or collected by or for, the Service.

Information we collect

We collect information about you in three ways: directly from your input, from third-party sources, and through automated technologies.

How we use your information

We are committed to delivering a relevant and useful experience to you. Depending on how you interact with us and the Service, we use your personal information to:

Sharing of your information
We share your personal information in the following ways and contexts.

Your personal account
If you create a personal user account on ScienceDirect, Scopus, Mendeley, ClinicalKey or another Service listed here, you can sign in with the same credentials to all of them.

Administrator data
If you are an administrator of an institution with a subscription to a Service, we will use your details to communicate with you about your institution’s subscription and related services. If you supply us contact information of your colleagues, we may include a reference to you when we contact those individuals with communications about the Service.

Your communications preferences
You can customize and manage your communications preferences and other settings when you register with the Service, by updating your account features and preferences, by using the “opt-in/out” or subscribe/unsubscribe mechanisms or other means provided within the communications that you receive from us or by contacting us.  We reserve the right to notify you of changes or updates to the Service whenever necessary.

Accessing and updating your information
The Service may allow registered users to directly access their account information and make corrections or updates at any time.

Data retention
We retain your personal information for as long as necessary to provide the Service and fulfill the transactions you have requested, or for other essential purposes such as complying with our legal obligations, maintaining business and financial records, resolving disputes, maintaining security, detecting and preventing fraud and abuse, and enforcing our agreements.

Data security
We take precautions to safeguard your personal information against loss, theft and misuse and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration and destruction through the use of appropriate technical and organizational measures.

Locations of processing
Your personal information may be stored and processed in your region or another country where Elsevier companies and their service providers maintain servers and facilities, including Australia, France, Germany, India, Ireland, the Netherlands, the Philippines, Singapore, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

Grounds for processing
When we collect from you any personal information within the scope of European data protection laws, we do so:

We will update this privacy policy from time to time.  Any changes will be posted on this page with an updated revision date. If we make any material changes, we will provide notice through the Service or by other means.

If you have any questions, comments, complaints or requests regarding this privacy policy or our processing of your information.

Contact the Data Protection Officer

You also may lodge a complaint with the data protection authority in the applicable jurisdiction.

The data protection representative for our businesses that are processing personal data within the scope of European data protection laws and located outside of the EEA and Switzerland is Elsevier Limited. You can contact the data protection officer of Elsevier Limited through the contact details provided above.

Service-specific details
Please read the service-specific details below for additional information about certain Elsevier services.

When you create a Mendeley account, you have a personal library that you can fill with research information and materials, like manuscripts, articles, and other content.

Mendeley Careers
In your Mendeley account, you can create job preferences (or also called careers interests).

When you create a Hivebench account, you have an Electronic Laboratory Notebook that you can fill with research information, like experiments, protocols, reagents, materials, and other content.

Digital Commons
When you create a (bepress) Digital Commons account, you have the option of using your account to submit pre-existing and new work to over 500 repositories running Digital Commons software.

SelectedWorks (Expert Gallery Suite)
When you create a (bepress) SelectedWorks account, you have the option of creating a personal profile page that will publicly display your first and last name to help others find and connect with you.


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